Marketing Strategy Proposal for Fresh Beverage Product


  • Vania Carolina Maranatha Christian University
  • Christina Wirawan Maranatha Christian University



Marketing Strategy, Multiple Regression Analysis, Increase, Customer Interest


Sawasdee Drink was established in 2016 and sells various fresh beverage products, one of them is Thai tea. From January 2020 to April 2021, Sawasdee Drink experienced a sales decline of 13.51% and in that time period, only once reached the sales target. This research identifies the factors that influence consumer interest and provide suggestions on the marketing mix that should be done by Sawasdee Drink to increase sales. The method used in this research is Multiple Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, and Crosstab. As the result, there are two variables that affect buying interest, namely the speed in the process of making drinks and the attractiveness of the outlet design. Based on the target market on Sawasdee Drink, the researcher offered the slogan as its positioning, namely "student price, extraordinary taste". Based on the results of the overall analysis, the improvements proposal offered includes tidying up outlets with the 5S system (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke), designing outlets to be simpler and more attractive, improving work movements, and conducting training for workers.

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How to Cite

Vania Carolina, & Christina Wirawan. (2021). Marketing Strategy Proposal for Fresh Beverage Product. Journal of Management and Energy Business, 1(1).