World Health Organization International Strategy Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic For Stronger and Recovery G.20: Competition and Globalization


  • Endang Susilowati
  • Erwin Susanto



International strategy, Pandemic, Covid-19, sompetition, globalization


The International Market generates potential new opportunities. Another traditional motive for companies to become multinationals is to secure the resources needed. With a multidomestic strategy, state managers have autonomy to tailor the company's products as necessary to meet the specific needs and preferences of local customers. The company uses a global strategy to offer standard products across country markets, with a competitive strategy defined by headquarters. A transnational strategy is an international strategy that companies use to achieve global efficiency and local responsiveness.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a broad impact on daily life, especially in terms of socio-economics. Various efforts were made by WHO and collaborated with various countries to overcome this pandemic and make policies and handling to deal with the virus.  This paper explores WHO's international strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic for the speed of handling Covid-19 in the global context.




How to Cite

Endang Susilowati, & Erwin Susanto. (2022). World Health Organization International Strategy Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic For Stronger and Recovery G.20: Competition and Globalization . Journal of Management and Energy Business, 2(1), 22–30.