The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Workload on Job Performance of Labor in Tangerang


  • Rouline Asnari Anwar University of Indonesia



Labor, Job Satisfaction, Workload, Job Performance


This study discusses about job satisfaction and workload among labor which there are still many problems affecting labor especially in the aspect of human resource. Furthermore, both of the variables will be related to the performance of labor. With the aim to analyze the effect between job satisfaction and workload on labor performance. The research method used multiple linear regression analysis and using convenience sampling techniques for collection the data. The result of hypothesis testing in this study, there are one variable that significantly influenced on labor performance, Job Satisfaction (sig. 0,00). While another variable is not significantly influenced on labor performance, Workload (sig. 0,14). For further research, it can add more variables that become a problem among labor and can conduct research in other regions beside Tangerang.

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How to Cite

Rouline Asnari Anwar. (2021). The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Workload on Job Performance of Labor in Tangerang. Journal of Management and Energy Business, 1(1).