The Effect Of Work Discipline And Work Motivation On Work Productivity


  • Indah Farena
  • Dedy Dewanto



Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Work Productivity


This research aims to examine the influence of work discipline and work motivation on work productivity of PT. Sweetescape Indonesian Memories workers. The sampling procedure was carried out using purposive sampling. The number of samples that researchers used was 100 worker respondents of PT. Sweetescape Indonesian Memories workers. The test results showed that the work discipline variable had a positive and significant effect on work productivity, while work motivation also had a positive and significant effect on work productivity. Furthermore, work motivation and work discipline simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on work productivity among the workers of PT. Sweetescape Indonesian Memories. The adjusted R Square of this research is 0.518, indicating that the two independent variables play an important role in explaining work productivity.




How to Cite

Indah Farena, & Dedy Dewanto. (2023). The Effect Of Work Discipline And Work Motivation On Work Productivity. Journal of Management and Energy Business, 3(1).