Instagram Ads and Celebrity Endorsement Analysis on Purchase Intention of Eco-Friendly Fashion


  • Muhammad Ridwan Zaelani School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Evy Rachmawati Chaldun School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology



Celebrity Endorsement, Eco-friendly Fashion, Instagram Ads, Purchase Intention, Social Media Marketing


Along with the increasing public awareness of the environment in Indonesia, eco-friendly fashion trends have begun to penetrate local products in recent years. Industries that produce eco-friendly fashion currently use Instagram as a promotional medium to increase their product exposure. In addition to using Instagram Ads in promoting products to consumers, companies currently widely use Celebrity Endorsements as another method to promote their products. This study aims to reveal the effect of Instagram Ads and Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Purchase Intention in Eco-Friendly Fashion Products. This research uses quantitative methods. Data is obtained through questioner from 150 respondents with purposive sampling technique. To analyze the data, we use the Multiple Linear Regression method with the classical assumption test. The results showed a positive influence between Instagram Ads and Celebrity Endorsement on consumer purchase intention of Eco-friendly fashion products.

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How to Cite

Muhammad Ridwan Zaelani, & Evy Rachmawati Chaldun. (2021). Instagram Ads and Celebrity Endorsement Analysis on Purchase Intention of Eco-Friendly Fashion. Journal of Management and Energy Business, 1(1).